Moving Servers: Status

As you might have noticed,  my site is more or less back again. Until now the relocation did not cause any major headaches, which is a good thing ;)

I did a fresh install of wordpress, as my new provider offered me a one-click-install option. It wasn’t actually „one-click“, downloading and unzipping WordPress would have been just as fast.

There were basically two things which bothered me:

  1. The installer forced me to use a custom prefix for my wordpress database tables. Usually a good thing, but the prefix could only consist of numbers and characters and especially no underscore. And it didn’t add any separator. So I ended up with tablenames like xxwp_content. Ugly, don’t you think. As I do not plan to add another wordpress installation, I could have easily stuck with wp_content but the installer did not leave that choice. This makes importing an old sql-dump harder than it should be. But I didn’t use that dump anyway ;)
  2. Updates of wordpress did not work out-of-the-box. The installer forgot creating a temporary folder, so that the update process stumbled on missing files. Or my provider did not set the property pointing to temporary storage properly. Just as bad.
    So what I did was:

    • Created a temporary folder [wordpress-install-dir]/tmp
      Keep an eye on the permissions.
    • Updated wp_config.php with

      putenv('TMPDIR='. ABSPATH .'tmp');
      define('WP_TEMP_DIR', ABSPATH . 'tmp');

    After I managed to solve those issues. I actually could install the WordPress xml importer plugin and everything went fine. I just had to upload some images and I was done.

    Now I am more or less through reinstalling my former set of plugins. That was quite straightforward, except the iG:Syntax Hiliter Plugin, which did not seem to be maintained any longer. As some post rely on it, I had to manually move it from my old site. Perhaps I should look for a replacement.

    Right now I am looking out for a new theme, though iBlog looks very nice. Perhaps I’ll keep it.  It’s just that it feels more like an addon than just a style-provider.

    Perhaps this will keep me busy for some time ;) Please feel free to suggest a nice theme.

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